Monday, November 24, 2008

Here comes the bad news

Obama says the economy is going to get worse. Really? with him at the helm? Now we will start to see what he has in store for us.


Missy said...

who is going to pay for $300b guarantee to Citi, a stimulus, $800b more in bailouts etc. Where the HELL is all this money going to come from?

Anonymous said...

did you know you have authoe privileges here?

Missy said...

Yea but I was replying to your post. I will make my own contribution soon.

Anonymous said...

since when does anyone actually stay on topic? What kind of place do the think we have here? A JJRG den?

Anonymous said...

anyone whant to bet that when the "new" taxes are imposed on those making 250K that there will be an exemption for income from book sales and speeches?